Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Box Full of Love

While cleaning our bedroom the other day, I came across a wooden box my sister had made for me years ago.  In it were several writing assignments from school my then young sons completed.  Most mothers I know have a secret, hidden stash of their children’s art and writings.  I have more than one stash, I have to admit.  And I have found that you have to be in the right frame of mind to go through the stashes.  On one hand, it’s emotional to see their rudimentary art and writing and to recall that time when they were so young, innocent and impressionable.  It’s also a reminder of how far I have come as their mother and them, as young men.

"My mom sese (says) hige (hi) to me win (when) I come home from school.
My dog is grat (great). My bom (boom) box is cool."

"I love my mom because we go to the pool and it is fun.  Garrett."

Today is Valentine’s Day, and on it, I celebrate the three loves of my life.  When my boys were young, I would leave special treats on the table for them to find at breakfast, before heading to school.  Now that they are out of the house, I still send them little things to let them know they are and always will be “My Valentine.”